Unless you're born in the summer months, chances are high that you'll be spending your birthday at Drake. My birthday is December 16th and in high school it was always at the tail end of finals week. I was excited to go to college because I know, overall, colleges end the semester earlier than most high schools do.
This year, Drake was not one of these colleges. In fact, the semester runs until the 22nd! Anyway, the point is I was a little bummed that I was stuck in Iowa for my 18th birthday and therefore 500 miles away from everybody and anybody I would usually be celebrating with.
The 16th was a Saturday, so it's not like I had class but it was finals week and intensive, 24 hour quiet hours were in effect and I got really depressed really quickly. I had always wished that my eighteenth birthday, of all my birthdays, would be something spectacular and it didn't look like it was going to be.
My roommate had to work and everybody else was in and out all day doing this or that and it kind of made me lonely. Most everybody was done doing what they were doing by 5:30 or so, so we were able to go to eat at Hubbell and then go over to the Drake v. Iowa basketball game (by the way, we killed).
I was walking back to the dorm with one of my friends and I was kind of depressed because my birthday was basically over and nothing of consequence happened. Nobody forgot about my birthday or anything, it was just a boring day.
As I approached my dorm room, I noticed a large orange balloon on my door and didn't think anything of it until I entered the room and saw all of my roommates sitting there with a birthday cake and presents.
I was completely speechless.
It was still hard being away from home for such an occasion, but my friends really made it special and for that I'll always be grateful.
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