The whole Greek system thing never really interested me. My roommate rushed and she's now a Kappa Alpha Theta and loves it more than life itself. Personally, I found the strict rules of rushing a little too ridiculous and I really didn't feel like getting dressed up to be judged by a whole bunch of girls I didn't know. But, that's just me. Sororities and fraternities definitely offer great academic, social and service opportunities for their members, but it didn't really appeal to me.
What did appeal to me was APO. It's a co-ed service fraternity on campus which basically does a whole lot of community service types of activities. There's no house and it's super low-key and best of all, not very expensive.
Soon, most of the girls I live with will be gone every weekend with the crew team and I don't want to spend spring semester all by myself. I decided to pledge APO because I love participating in community service projects and I really wanted to meet other people. And, obviously everybody I've met so far is really nice (or else they wouldn't care enough to do community service) and I'm really excited for initiation. I thought it would be a really cool way to get involved on campus and enjoy myself all at the same time.
Since APO is a fraternity, once I'm initiated I'll be a "brother" and I'll have a pledge "dad," even though "he" might very well be a she. Even though I pointedly decided not to become involved with a social sorority, I must admit that when my roommate comes home from having real food at the Theta house or from a long night of games and movies, it kind of makes me jealous that she has this whole other community that she's a part of and I'm hoping I can find something similar to what she has with APO.
Plus, I'm drawn to the fact that it's a co-ed organization... if you know what I mean. :)
1 comment:
Alpha Phi Omega: I've had some positive experiences. I'm an alumnus of Alpha Phi Omega (Pledged in 1986 at Carnegie-Mellon, graduated in 1990). I had a great time, and even after graduation stayed active in my local area (Washington, DC).
As for your last comment about it being co-ed, about 5 years after graduation, I married a fellow brother. :) :)
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