Saturday, December 15, 2007

Intensive Quiet Hours and Hall Closing Policy

Intensive Quiet Hours are in effect right at this moment. (So excuse me if I type the rest of my blog in parenthases so nobody can hear me.)

(Basically, Intensive Quiet Hours, or IQH as a friend of mine calls it (making it it sound much trendier than it is) means that everybody needs to have their doors closed and their music turned down. There is not lingering in the hallways, and certainly no knocking on doors while laughing hysterically.)

(It's a little creepy at first since the lights are dimmed in the hallways just like it's quiet hours during the regular week, but you get used to it. And once you do, it's nothing short of delightful. Seriously. Nobody running down the halls yelling or freaking out or thowing things... it's nice. Especially when you're trying to study which, obviously is the point of IQH).

(There are release hours during which the residents can open their door and make a some noise. I think there is a total of 5 release hours during the day. I think it's good so residents don't feel cooped up and it kind of provides a study break for them."

(Don't get me wrong, residents are still allowed to leave the building during IQH. They can do whatever they want, just while they're in the hall they need to be almost silent.)

Oh, look. It's actually release hours now! No more parenthases!! Score!

So, another thing I have to worry about as an RA is closing the hall down. To be honest, it doesn't involve all that much. Basically after my girls leave for the semester I have to go check their rooms to make sure everything is unplugged and their windows are locked and all of that good stuff.

One of the things I've been getting complaints about is the fact that they have to unplug their refridgerators which means they have to get rid of the food that's in there. I can see how that might be inconvenient, but I'm not too upset over it. Want to know what's in my fridge right now? A jar of jam and some salsa, which are almost gone and nasty, respectively. Needless to say I'm not that broken up about losing them. Plus, it will give me a chance to defrost my freezer which isn't as much a freezer as it is a solid block of ice the size of a VCR.

We also have to take down all of our holiday decorations which I think is a little crazy. It's my room. I'll take down my decorations when I'm good and ready. Maybe take them off your door since that's in a public space and people might take offence to out of season Chrismtas decorations, but if you want to hang a stocking year-round in your room, you should be able to.

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