I bet there's a miffed Easter Hen out there somewhere - pissed off that the Easter Bunny gets all the credit for her hard work. Helllooooo laying an egg can't be easy. The bunny just delivers them. I mean, come on. And how does this rabbit get the eggs to begin with? Does he steal them? Is he robbing the Easter Hen? I don't think a rabbit can just waltz into a hen house undetected, though. That seems just a little ridiculous.
Unless, of course, the Hen and the Bunny are in cahoots. It's probably easier for the Bunny to get around to all those houses. I mean, chickens have those little legs and wings with which they can't even fly. If it were me, and I were in charge of distributing said Easter eggs, I would probably opt for the rabbit, too. No offense to the chicken, but the hopping is a bit faster than the waddling... or whatever you would call that. If the chicken were really smart, she'd just hire Brown.
"What can Brown do for me? Well, you can start by delivering allllll these Easter eggs." Then all the children would come running downstairs on Easter morning to see if the UPS man came.
Hmm... according to Wikpedia, the combination of the ultra-active rabbit and the egg represent fertility and rebirth, and thus help us to celebrate spring. It goes on to say that the word "Easter" is devised from the name of pagan goddess of spring "Eostre" who, legend says, took a winter bird with frozen wings and turned him into a rabbit, which created a rabbit that could lay eggs.
Bet you didn't know that. And that's from Wikipedia ... so you can take it to the bank.

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