Friday, April 18, 2008

Duty Log: 4/18 5 hours remain

So, this weekend and next are probably the highlight of the Drake year. Relays are an exciting time with all the out of town people (who take our parking spaces! grrrr! I don't even have a car and I'm upset about that..), the media madness (they also take our parking), and all the general "school spirit" or something.

Yeah, people pretty much love this time of year.

I can name one group of people who don't, though.

The RAs.

I am, as I have mentioned before, a first-year RA for first-year students and I am not at all enjoying/looking forward to these two weekends. Because of all the, erm, madness I suppose you can call it, the residence halls (and the residence hall staff) have to take extra safety precautions.

First, there have to be two RAs in the building on duty at all times. We're talkin' 24/7. This weekend is Street Painting, so that's officially in effect. I'm on duty from 7am-7pm today (5 hours until I get to leave the building!), and then from 7pm-7am Saturday night. And, yes, I *do* have to stay up all night. And I get to sit in the lobby and watch all the, erm, incapacitated residents come stumbling into the building. It should be fun, I'm excited.

I talked to my RA from last year and she said that Relays isn't as bad as you think it would be as far as policy violations. Mostly because people would be STUPID to try to drink/sneak alcohol in the building with security stationed at the doors and the RAs making rounds constantly. She said the worst part was staying up all night.

I thought about it and maybe that won't be so hard. I mean, I'll be with another RA who will pinch me when I doze off, and I expect the building to be insanely loud anyway, and not even I can sleep through all that racket.

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