Classes are officially over. THANK GOODNESS! They've been seriously kicking my butt lately. But, then again, this week is finals week so I don't know if that's much better. Mostly because EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD IS DUE MONDAY AND TUESDAY! AHHHHH!!!!
On Monday I have a big paper due for one of my English classes that I THOUGHT was due Wednesday. Nope. It's due Monday. I also have a big paper due for one of my journalism classes. And that's after I got an extension because it was originally due this past Thursday, but had ANOTHER big paper due for my other English class then and I couldn't get them both done. Not only do I have two big papers due, but I also have an exam in the journalism class. But, part of the exam is an essay that we get to take home. Now, that's a good thing, right? I'll have all my notes and readings and whatever to help me write it? Yeah, but that still doesn't take away from the fact that I have two other big papers to finish, that essay to write, and the exam to study for.
Then, after all that is over and done with, that night I get to come home and pull an all-nighter to somehow finish my magazine project and PRAY that the journalism lab color printer isn't low on toner like it was YESTERDAY! Ah!!! My beautiful magazine was all streaky! Stupid printer. Stupid lab. Stupid magazine. Please, the prototype is the least of my worries. I also have this 20 page business plan that goes with it, and a presentation that goes with that. That'll probably take up most of my Monday - just guessing.
All I have Tuesday is my magazine presentation, so that shouldn't be too bad. It'll all be done so all I'll have to do is get through the class period.
For the rest of Tuesday and ALLLLLLL of Wednesday I plan on studying for my physical science exam which is Thursday morning. I originally had it written down that it was on Monday, which added to my stress considerably since I really need to rock that test. But, much to my surprise, it's on Thursday. That leaves me plenty of time to study.
Keep in mind, though that while I'm studying for exams and writing papers and preparing for presentations, I'm also helping residents who are done with finals check-out of the building and leave. That's why each RA makes a check-out schedule. The hall directors say it best: "You're a student first, and an RA second." Our schedule allows us to block of time for studying and testing, which is wonderful, might I add.
Personally, I'm not leaving until Saturday. All the RAs have to stick around until all the residents leave and have to help shut down the hall. Renovations start Saturday morning at 7, and all the residents have to be out by noon. So, somewhere in the middle of studying, testing, checking out residents, and shutting down the hall for renovations, I have to find time to move my own stuff - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Thursday afternoon/Thursday night, but we'll have to see.
It's going to be one crazy week.