I feel like college causes people to grow up a lot. Well, actually, it can go either way. I don't know if I've ever known so many people far more mature than high schoolers and so many people far LESS mature than high schoolers... especially living in the same general vicinity.
It's just that college changes a lot of things. You're away from home for probably the first time; you have to fend for yourself when it comes to food; you're doing your own laundry... the list goes on. And on top of all those things, I recently bought a car and moved into a pseudo-apartment.
Yep, I'm all grown up now..
Although, I must say, I never really felt grown up until recently when I went to Hy-Vee and bought my own toilet paper. It was the unnerving thrill I got when I saw Charmin was on sale that pretty much sealed the deal on my adulthood. I stood there in line, preparing to spend my hard-earned money (ok, maybe not "hard"-earned... mostly just earned) and the checker lady said,
"Would you like your toilet paper in a sack, ma'am?"
Buying my own toilet paper and suddenly I'm a "ma'am"? Gosh, I really am all grown up...
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