I have to say that going into this movie I didn't realize that it was largely a love story. I thought it was more of an intergalactic adventure or something. Not to say that I was disappointed. That's hardly the case. I'm always up for a good love story. Who isn't?
And that robot is just SO cute. Like, I can't even get over how cute he is. And he makes cute noises and does cute things. He's just adorable. He likes musicals and collecting junk and has a cute little bug friend who gets run over more than once (the audience literally gasped - me probably louder than anyone - when he gets run over because that's how attached we became to his little pet.)
All through the movie he's pretty much trying to hold EVE's hand which is the sweetest thing in the world. And she keeps spurning him and spurning him because she doesn't quite understand. Meanwhile everybody is sympathizing with him and really just wants her to get it and hold his hand. Heck, I want to hold his hand.
He's small, but he's brave as we realize when he and EVE set out to save the human race and make them return to and re-colonize Earth after living on a spaceship for 700 years. They left in the first place because the world was overrun by GARBAGE. So, all the humans left to live in some deluxe spaceship in the sky where everything is automated. They don't even have to move and because of it, they're fat and mindless.
The social commentary in this movie isn't exactly subtle. What do you mean it attacks consumerism? What do you mean it raises questions about environmental impact? Huh? I didn't pick up on that at ALL... not. They didn't hit you over the head with it like, I dunno, HAPPY FEET. Holy crap. I feel like I was tricked into seeing that movie. I will never forgive WB for dangling potentially adorable baby penguins in front of my eyes while shoving a stark message of global warming down my throat. The only good part of that movie? Steve Irwin was in it.
Anyway, I'm getting off topic. The point is that WALL-E is adorable and everybody should see it. I mean, it has life-threatening parts, funny parts, sad parts, and the world's, no - the UNIVERSE'S - truest and sweetest romance. Which is hands-down the best part ;) And, frankly, I think it's amazing that Pixar pulled off such a delightful movie with SUCH little dialogue. Maybe things like love and bravery don't need words.

Look at him!! He's soooo cute!
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