I feel like they crammed a LOT of action/plot/character development type of stuff into that movie. Consequently the film clocked in at two and a half hours which I feel like is a big commitment for a super hero movie. Although, I suppose Spider-Man was in that general ballpark, too. Oh, and it took a chapter out of Lord Of the Rings' book (and by "book" I really mean movie...) and ended about eight different times. Ok, maybe not eight. But they faked you out a bunch of times.
Of all super hero movies, I definitely think this to-be trilogy is the darkest so if you're into that kind of thing, you'll enjoy this movie a lot. There was A LOT of action in it, also. Almost too much at some parts. I struggled trying to keep up with the battle scenes because there were a bunch of quick cuts of characters' faces - almost too quick for my brain to process.
While I'm on the fence about the movie itself, I can appreciate Heath Ledger's performance as INCREDIBLE. It's eerie in that it was really easy to see how the character of the Joker got into his head and, if you buy the rumors, why it required the very anti-anxiety medication he accidentally overdosed on. It was a stunning performance. He was dark, disturbed, and yet also funny at times. Oscar-worthy? I think yes.
I also have to mention that I love Gary Oldman (Sirius Black to you, Potter fans) as Commissioner Gordon. Perfect casting there. And I think Christian Bale is totally believable as an eccentric-billionaire-by-day-crime-fighting-vigilante-by-night type. Plus Morgan Freeman had a small role. And who doesn't love Morgan Freeman?
So, bottom line... long, dark, confusing at times, great stunts, and notable performances... any good? See it for yourself and find out.

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