Nine days (and two papers, two exams, and a nasty apartment) and counting away from a whole month of ZERO academic responsibility. NONE. I had my days this semester where I got a whole lot of nothing done just like everybody else, but winter break is that magical time where you don't have to feel guilty about it... BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING TO DO! And thank goodness because this semester has been absolutely BRUTAL. As such, I thought I'd share with you my list of 10 bad ideas from this semester.
1. If you're picking classes and there are two English classes that sound mildly interesting, and in the course description each one lists some of the books you'll be reading, make sure you add those lists together to get a more accurate idea of how much you'll REALLY be reading that semester. Then you might want to add about 25% to that just to cover the other classes you'll have. Bottom line: taking American Lit and British Lit in the same semester was a BAD IDEA. Stay tuned for another post discussing just how many pages I read this semester.
2. If you're walking to class and think it'll be quicker to walk on top of the frozen snow that's where the grass used to be wearing nothing (on your feet) but worn out sneakers, think again. As it turns out, frozen things are slippery and the worn tread on my sneakers was no match for it at all. Theoretically I would have gotten to class faster, but in reality I was later because I had to pick up the scattered pieces of my pride after I fell flat on my butt. Bottom line: sneakers and ice is a BAD IDEA.
3. If you need to cross 31st street and there are no cars coming, feel free to cross without hitting the crosswalk button. If innocently out of habit you push it and cross, you'll be well accross campus without realizing that you stopped a whole string of traffic for no reason whatsoever. And, believe me, the drivers who use 31st frequently hate that crosswalk button and the people who use it and abuse it. More than once I've seen drivers zoom through the light before it can change, while intentionally driving too close to the curb. Bottom line: overusing the crosswalk button is a BAD IDEA.
4. If you decide, for whatever reason, that you can get away with missing the first week of class, you're wrong. Granted, I missed the first week for a reason that was totally worth it. Right around the time I would have been in econ, I was watching the first black man in history accept his presidential nomination. Kind of a big deal. Even bigger now that he actually won. So, yeah. It was worth it. It doesn't mean it didn't suck, though - missing classes, that is. The first week is always just review of the syllabus, but somehow when I got back I felt super behind and felt like I was racing to catch up weeks and weeks afterwards. Bottom line: missing the first week of classes is a BAD IDEA.
5. If you have something in a shiny wrapper, chances are high that there's going to be traces of some sort of metal in the wrapper. As such, putting it in the microwave isn't a good idea. I had a little pat of butter I needed to melt in a shiny gold wrapper and thought putting it in the microwave would get it nice and soft. After about two seconds sparks were flying and my butter practically evaporated. Bottom line: metalic-looking wrappers PROBABLY have metal in them and putting them in the microwave is a BAD IDEA.
6. If you're trying to get ahead of the game and order your books before the semester starts, make sure you're getting books for the right classes. Professors tend to teach several different classes, some of which might be similar to the one you're taking, but not exactly the same. In this situation it's easy to end up with a bunch of books you don't need, causing several last-minute trips to the bookstore for the books you DO need. Bottom line: buying books you don't need is a BAD IDEA.
7. If you get a store credit card - say, for instance, a Khol's card - keep on top of using it and paying the bill. Having only one credit card is easy because I know that around the 8th of every month, I have to pay them. I can transfer my money and pay my bill in a timely fashion. My Khol's card threw me off a little. I got the bill but simply forgot about it and ended up paying two days late and incurring a late fee of almost 30 bucks which practically doubled my original bill. Bottom line: being irresponsible with multiple credit cards is a BAD IDEA.
8. If you have a lot to do, youtube is not your friend. It wouldn't be so bad if next to every video you watch it has ten more videos related to the topic. It's part of their evil plan to make everybody fail out of school. If I could somehow get someone to block me from youtube, I'd do it. Just for the next week or so. Lately I've been watching Jeff Dunham videos. It's bad news. Bottom line: watching videos instead of studying is a BAD IDEA.
9. For that matter, if your friend who sits next to you in class brings her laptop and plays tetris the whole time, try and resist checking out tetris on your own time. You'll never stop. It'll suck you in and never let you go. I'd never played tetris before this semester and I can't get enough. It's amazing. The lines disappear and it's so satisfying. The version I play CLAIMS it only goes up to level 10, but I've made it to level 11. And that's just so disappointing because I thought if I maybe beat tetris I could conquer my addiction once and for all. Little do I realize NOBODY can beat tetris. Bottom line: playing tetris is a BAD IDEA.
10. If you pick classes and realize you have Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays off... you should also consider that that also means you have A LOT of classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Not only that, but you can't even consider Wednesdays as off days because you're so busy doing all the homework for your Thursday classes. Sure, a four-day weekend looks good on paper, but Tuesdays and Thursdays NEVER END it seems. Wouldn't it be better to spread out the classes and the work load? Yes. Bottom line: having all your classes on the same days is a BAD IDEA.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
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