I've been following it online here and it seems REALLY cool and like a lot of fun. Hard work, but fun at the same time.
I was on my way home from Omaha last weekend going east on the highway and couldn't help but notice the MASSIVE amount of traffic going west. It was all buses and trailers and vans and Winnebegos with bikes. Everybody was migrating to the start of the RAGBRAI route. It was incredible to see.
After witnessing this pilgrimage and following everybody online for the past week, I've decided that I'm going to ride RAGBRAI 2014. I'm giving myself 5 years to train up and find a bike and some buddies (who, if they won't ride with me, will at least do the driving part and meet me at each stop along the way). I can do it.
It's only 500 miles, right?
And, besides, think of how much Iowa I'll get to see. Based on the pictures, there's nothing better.
Training starts tomorrow.

1 comment:
Hi Meagan
I like your blog. Found it while hunting for a picture of a prairie chicken which you have as one of your 43 Iowas things to do.
I've got a 43 things to do list too.
AND - I've seen a prairie chicken. So I'm at least one up on you at the moment.
Keep writing. Good luck on RAGBRAI and don't let changes get you down! Things could always be worse! You could be a Hawkeye fan for example!
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