Over the summer I got really, REALLY lonely and came VERY close to adopting a kitty from Petsmart but was thwarted when I found out you have to be 21 to do it. It was a good thing that I couldn't because I do want to wait until I'm settled for a longer period of time than just the next few months to make that kind of a commitment. And in the end it would be a lot of money... adoption fee, start-up stuff, vet bills, $150 pet deposit for my apartment, an additional $30 for rent... it adds up quickly.
I did the fish thing for a while and last summer it worked out REALLY well. Those guys lasted for a good long time. But since then all the fish I've had have been dead within a few weeks. I went through too many fish this summer.
I was still pretty desperate for some sort of animal companionship, but I was done with fish and couldn't afford a cat. So I came up with a happy compromise.
A guinea pig.
It's not small and creepy like a hamster; it's not going to die in two weeks like a fish; it's not a massive financial commitment like a cat or dog. It's a cuddly cage pet and the perfect solution.
My grandma was in town this weekend and she was nice enough to spring for the piggy and I bought his cage and set-up things and my roommate bought him some extra fun stuff. So far we're both thrilled. He's still adjusting so he's a bit nervous still, but he's very friendly when we hold him and makes adorable little squealy noises.
We named him Professor Peruvian. Someone (my grandma, I think) tossed out the name Professor which kind of stuck, and then we added Peruvian because guinea pigs are native of Peru. Though, we should probably call him Professor PeesALot since he likes to take a leak in my roommate's lap.
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