Sunday, February 14, 2010

91 days and counting

As someone who finds themselves single, I can honestly tell you that Valentine's Day doesn't make me bitter. I truly, honestly don't feel jealousy or anger... I don't double up on my dose of loneliness... none of that. It's stupid. Why should a made-up holiday make me feel excessively depressed about my relationship status?

I found a stupid Facebook application that randomly generates five Valentines for you and I decided to give it a shot.

The first two are gay, and the second is twice my age.

Number three is a boy named Danny. He's tall and has red hair and I asked him to senior prom in high school. He also got engaged last week. Awesome.

Number four is a guy who used to be a pretty close friend of mine but we "broke up" so to speak. Burn, Facebook. Burn.

And number five? Well... let's just say I certainly wouldn't mind ;)

1 comment:

Mikaela said...


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