Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Day!

I blame myself for the current blizzard because I've been hoping and hoping and hoping for snow. Mother Nature delivered in a really big way, I guess.

Yesterday was terrible for driving. I probably would have gotten to school faster if I was driving a combine. Commuting to campus was never a problem until this weather started. Bleh. It took me 45 minutes to about 4 miles. And it took me more than 30 to get home... on the freeway... going 30mph or less the whole way.

I'm not complaining about going slowly. I'd rather take some extra time getting where I'm going than end up sprawled in the middle of the pavement with paramedics asking what they should do with my organs.

Other drivers don't share that sentiment. They like to blow past you as they slip and slide going 60+. Those guys are winners.

My car just doesn't seem to handle the weather well. Braking and turning are a little too much for it to handle.

But it's ok because today is a SNOW DAY! Campus is shut down, along with most of the surrounding area. We've gotten like 14 inches so far, with a few more expected to fall tonight. We have wind gusts up to like 60mph. It's a winter wonderland! And I get to stay inside in my jammies and get caught up on work and watch Christmas movies with my roommate.

You're never too old to appreciate a snow day!

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