I convinced my RA that Easter isn't Easter unless you dye eggs so the few of us who were left on the floor dyed eggs. It went really well and under the incredibly detailed directions of my mom, I boiled the most perfect eggs that were ever boiled. I was shocked. There weren't even any of those little cracks in them. It was great. The secret is you have to put a little bit of vinegar in the water before you boil it and then a little bit of vinegar in each cup of dye when you mix it so the colors are brighter.
Here's a picture of our results:
A few weeks ago I volunteered at the Boys and Girls club with APO. We dyed eggs with the kids and that was a little less successful. The dye wasn't good and the eggs were still warm. Plus, right after the eggs were finished dyeing, the kids wanted to eat the eggs which we didn't anticipate at all so warm egg got everywhere and it was probably the most disgusting thing ever. One kid even threw an egg out of the window.
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