Blitz Day also pretty much kicks off the two-ish weeks of activities surrounding the Drake Relays. I'm a freshman so this will be my first year experiencing the Drake Relays so I'm really, really excited. There are so many fun activates planned. There's going to be a comedian, a hypnotist, a foam dance party, a parade and of course STREET PAINTING which I am so excited to get to participate in with APO. More paint ends up on the painters than on the actual street, so I need to drudge up some old clothes to wear.
Then, of course, there are the actual events of the Relays themselves. Track stars from all over come to compete. My dad works with a guy who actually won the Relays one year. I'm really excited because 1) I'm a photographer for the paper and therefore have all of these great opportunities to get pictures and 2) finally I get to take pictures of outdoor sports. Indoor sports are cool, but taking pictures in a gym with all that weird lighting is hard and kind of annoying.
I'm also getting really excited because I'm leaving in three weeks. At this time three weeks from now I'll be on my way home with a whole lot of stuff. I was looking at it all the other day and it's really amazing how much more stuff I acquired since being here.
This weekend will be exciting, too because my APO formal is tomorrow and the Spring Fling/RA Placement party is on Sunday so expect more blogs to go with that and pictures of course.
In the meantime, check out this pic of the awesome balloon thing at the Blitz Day Picnic!
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