Ok, I'm sure no matter how disconnected you like to think you are with the rest of the world (in which case I wonder why you're wandering the bloggosphere if it is indeed your hope to say in this disconnected state), everybody knows what's goin' down on good ol' AI these days. For those not too fluent in the reality show acronym lingo, allow me to clarify. I'm referring to American Idol. Specifically, I'm referring to the little situation they have on their hands with one of their contestants -- Sanjaya.
Again, for those who are clueless (or just wish they were clueless), allow me to elaborate. Sanjaya is one of the top-twelve contestants on American Idol. I'll skip the part where I do nothing but bash his erratic, Michael Jackson-esque style and go straight to the part where I simply say that the guy has no talent. You know how people get all offended when you tell them that they or someone they know aren't very good at whatever it is that they're doing (or trying to do)? And they come back with a retort something to the effect of "Hey, I have more talent in my pinky finger than you do in your whole body!"... ? Yeah, well... I think my pinky finger could take him. Seriously. I was in band for six years and they say that the band is made up of all the kids who couldn't sing in the choir but still wanted to participate in music. There's a reason why they say that, and I'm still confident that I would beat him in a singing competition.
I'm also certain that you all know why he's still in the competition. There are all sorts of websites out there like www.votefortheworst.com which pick the worst contestant from every call-in show and encourage people to vote for them to see how long they can possibly stay in the competition. So, Sanjaya is still in the competition while about three other contestants with real talent have been kicked off of the show. Not really fair, huh? But, what can anybody do? It's the American Idol, right? America gets to pick... and if America wants to pick Sanjaya who I can only describe as strange... they should be able to, right? That might be true, but I think it's an insult to Sanjaya and to the rest of the country who is participating in the vote for these people who have been persuaded by a website to string along someone who cannot sing. Rumors say that Simon Cowell might quit the show if Sanjaya wins.
I never saw Sanjaya audition, so I cannot attest to his powerful vocals that were strong enough to propel him to Hollywood. What I do know is that recently he's been doing some truly crazy things. The past couple of weeks, he's really been going absolutely nuts on the stage. Paula puts it nicely and says something like he's "coming out of his shell," or something like that. I don't think that's what it is at all. I think he's gotten wind of what's going on with the voting and he's going out there to do whatever the heck he wants and isn't concerned about how he sounds because he knows, inevitably, he'll be safe. I can't blame him. I'd probably do the same. No, I wouldn't. I would probably try extra hard to prove myself to the country since I know I've already been voted as the worst.
Unless, of course Sanjaya himself is behind these websites. Maybe he created them just so he can get more votes!! What is he doing in his spare time, anyway... surely he is not practicing.
And how 'bout that Mohawk thing he was sporting last week? I have a picture of it. Ryan looked absolutely terrified of the thing. I would be, too. I'm sorry, but I just don't understand why that was necessary at all. And start paying attention to his shoes... they seem so odd to me. On top of which, why does he always find it so incumbent upon himself to dress like Michael Jackson? I mean, does he even realize that Michael Jackson has so many negative associations? He knows about the little boys, I assume. I just hope to God that that's not the image he's trying to create for himself. He would disappoint his fan -- that thirteen year old who was simply drowning in her own tears during his performance a couple of weeks ago who I feel completely sorry for because her tear-sodden face was plastered all over all sorts of trashy E! Channel shows that week.
Whatever the reason, his hair or his shoes, Sanjaya could be the one for America to choose (subtle Dr. Seuss reference there if you didn't catch that). Although, you want to know what I really think? Who is really behind it? I think the person behind Sanjaya's success is William Hung... the more we're subjected to whatever Sanjaya is doing, William Hung's albums are selling....
1 comment:
I am gettign really upset with these American Idol voting shinanigans! How could the judges let someone like Sanjays through to the top 24? If they would have done their part better, we wouldn't be suffering every week!
Thanks for letting me vent. :)
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