Sunday, April 8, 2007

The ISA Formal

It's Easter weekend and most of my friends went home since they live pretty close. The friends who stayed had plans I wasn't too interested in, so my RA cajoled me into attending the ISA formal. ISA is the International Students Association. The formal was held at the Marriott downtown it's a really nice place. For fifteen dollars you got a limo ride to and from the hotel and a plated dinner with salad and dessert. I figured I would probably spend my Friday night doing homework (or at least planning on doing homework) anyway so I decided to go with her.

I realized of course I would probably know nobody there, but thought that maybe I could meet new people. Plus, my APO formal is next weekend and I bought an adorable dress over Spring Break so I thought that it would be fun to get a little more mileage out of it.

Our limo pulled up to the hotel around 6:30. My RA was running around doing stuff since she was on the committee that planned the formal so I just sat down. Luckily, one of the girls from my floor, Prudence, was there too and I sat with her. Then Josiah showed up. I had met him the previous day. Apparently Duhita (my RA) cajoled him into going, too and he was pretty much in the same boat as I was. He didn't know anybody either so we decided to be awkward together.

Most of the evening was spent eating dinner and giving out the ISA awards. That part was a little odd because I of course had no idea who most of the people were and just sort of clapped as loud as everybody else clapped.

Around 10 the dance started and that was great fun. I was with my RA a couple of her friends she introduced me to, Josiah, and a couple of girls from APO who I know so that was nice and not too awkward I didn't think.

Overall I had a lot of fun and it was really cool to go out and try something that different. On the limo ride home, there were four languages being spoken including Vietnamese and Spanish. I was a really different experience and I'm glad I went.

I took some pictures, of course!!!

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