Friday, August 8, 2008

Bugged Out

I've been told that I'm a 19 year old girl on the outside, but a six-year-old boy on the inside. I think that might be true. For whatever reason, I'm totally fascinated by bugs. I mean, REALLY fascinated. And Iowa has some AWESOME ones. I think these exotic bugs, generally, like the humidity which is why I never see them in Colorado. I also seem to have an eye for them. I can find the smallest, yet coolest looking bugs everywhere.

I haven't come across anything terribly frightening ever, so that's nice. Here are the pictures:

You can't really tell from this picture, but this guy was HUGE. He was just chillin' on a wall in the building minding his own business. Gold star for camouflage ... if he were in a tree.

This little guy is super small and was hanging out on my car door. He looks like he's wearing a Hawaiian shirt.

Half-moth, half-tarantula ... that's what it looks like, anyway.

This guy was hitchhiking all day on my car. All my errands and during work and everything. He just hung out on my car.

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