Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tales from the Job Front

I've known for a pretty long time that winter break of my senior year would be the time to start hitting the pavement, so to speak, in search of the rumored $30k + benefits.

So I have. It just so happens I'm hitting the internet more than the pavement, but that doesn't mean it isn't still hard work.

I've come to a conclusion about job hunting. I hate it. I hate it. I HATE IT. I hate EVERYTHING about it. I hate the anxiety and the frustration and deciphering vague job descriptions and writing cover letters and resumes and not having emails returned and the shameless self-promotion and not knowing where to look and not knowing if I'm going to end up with something horrible that will make me miserable for the next year and, worse, the possibility of not ending up with ANYTHING at all. I hate EVERYTHING about it.

It's horrible. It really, really is.

So maybe I'll just throw it out there that I'm smart, fast-learning, hard-working and outgoing. I'm a creative problem solver. I'm quick and I'm thorough. I can lead and follow and I find it easy to contribute to a team dynamic. I dread mundane routine and crave something fast-paced that will keep me on my toes. I'm happy and friendly and positive. I'm talented and funny and kind and I will confront issues that need to be confronted.

There. There's my self-promotion for the day.

A big problem I'm finding is that I'm hugely OVER qualified for some jobs. Is that a punishment for pursuing higher education? I don't know. But some people will seriously not consider college grads. It doesn't make sense to me.

Then, of course, there are the jobs that I'm hugely UNDER qualified for. Like the ones that require 7 years of professional experience in the field and 11 recommendations from employers and all that business.

So... that's a really unfortunate position to be in.

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