Friday, November 30, 2007

Can't rock the caucus

So... this just in... The Iowa Caucuses are January 3rd!!!

Which MEANS...

That a large majority of college students won't even be in the state TO caucus. With a presidential election every four years, and college lasting approximately this long, students get to experience ONE presidential election during their college years. Therefore, we only get ONE chance to experience the Iowa Caucuses. And it figures that most of us CAN'T.

Word is that the Democratic and Republican party mutually agreed on the date which has been moved up ELEVEN days from the date of last year's caucuses. They claim they're trying to reestablish the Iowa Caucuses as the first national caucuses.

Let's just say that the students are PISSED.

The majority of us can't participate. And until recently, the people who were planning on returning to campus didn't have a place to say because Drake wasn't going to open any of the residence halls. They did make arrangements for the students to say in sleeping bags in the Olmsted conference rooms and shower in the upperclassmen dorm.

But what's getting under a lot of people's skin is the candidates' lack of concern. I have friends who work on varioius campaigns and are upset that after working hard to push their candidate, they can't even vote for them in the caucus and that the would-be presidents are less than concerned about it since facts and figures from the past suggest that the collegiate vote in the caucus is negligible.

THERE'S a message to send... talk about losing faith in the system... sheesh.

I'm REALLY interested to see how the Obama campaign does with all of this. He has a HUGE collegiate following... most of whom can no longer vote. It should be interesting...

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