Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rejection Letter

Just before I left for Spring Break I got a little letter in the mail from the Denver Post. It was a tiny little envelope and nothing at all to be excited about. Those tiny envelopes don't usually bring good news. Small envelopes usually mean bad news - your account is overdrawn, thanks but no thanks, fines from the library... something along those lines.

This envelope didn't have good news. It was a thanks, but no thanks.

Words like "unfortunately" and "reapply next year" and "qualifications" jumped off the page. It was all pretty standard.

I wasn't super disappointed. Getting that internship was a long shot, anyway. But at least I got a rejection letter. I wasn't left waiting in the abyss of the unknown. So there's the sliver lining.

Then I took a look at the envelope itself. It was postmarked 12/24.

Are you kidding me? 12/24??? It's MARCH!

In the end I'm glad I didn't get the internship. Could you imagine if I was accepted and then didn't get the letter until March? The Post would have passed me over. I wouldn't have contacted them and they would just assume I was no longer interested.

Can you imagine the agony?

Blessing in disguise if I've ever seen one.

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