Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rock on, Rocky staffers

If you read my last post, you know Denver lost The Rocky Mountain News a few weeks ago, putting dozens of seasoned journalists out of work.

But don't think of them as victims of an increasingly competitive and struggling industry; they certainly don't consider themselves victims.

In an inspirational move, former Rocky staffers started (now renamed - visit). It's still the Rocky staffers doing what Rocky staffers do - reporting.

Unfortunately at the moment, they're doing what they do for free. They're selling subscriptions to their website, so maybe one day they'll be able to support a paid staff. Who knows?

But the fact that they aren't getting paid doesn't matter to me much. Journalism is about more than money - it's about spirit and service. And these guys are proving it. They didn't roll over and die; they fought back. They're fighting because the economy and the internet and other competition can't take away their love for what they do.

I admire the Rocky staffers and I'm inspired by their fight back. They're not only preserving the spirit of the Rocky Mountain News, but preserving the spirit of journalism.

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