Monday, February 22, 2010

83 days and counting

Mood: annoyed >:|

Did you ever have two very separate groups of friends in elementary school? Like they were so different that they didn't get along at all? But you found you liked both groups and were "in" both? So like if you made a ven diagram of these groups you would be that stupid purple section in the middle?

That was me. Kind of a lot, actually. And I always found that that weird purple section made you the messenger in a war zone of sorts. I distinctly remember using phrases like "No, I totally agree with YOU guys. I'm a spy PRETENDING to be on their side," and other stupid stuff like that.

Hey, I'm not proud of it. I was a kid... and stupid... and would avoid confrontation at all costs. Little did I know that I was just stoking the fire of playground drama and confrontation.

Anyway, the point is that the last time I did any of that I was, in fact, on a playground. But now I'm finding myself in the middle, yet again, trying to support two different parties who have chosen to butt heads instead of compromise. Both are equally right. And both are equally stubborn.

And I'm feeling equally as awkward.

The worst part is, of course, that I'm dealing with adults now. So, really, they both deserve slaps upside the head. Maybe they should grow up and start handling the situation like the adults they are.

Until they do, I think I'm going to go hide by the swing set.

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