Monday, March 29, 2010

48 days and counting

Mood: happy :)
Happy thought: my roomie

Today was a big day in the household. My roommate, Camie, officially decided to attend Iowa State University in the fall for grad school. She's doing a two-year master's program in English. I'm super excited for her that 1) she's done with the GRE 2) she got in 3) she finally decided what she wanted to do.

So she's moving to Ames sometime soon. I'm considering going with her. If I get the job I'm up for, I'll be able to live anywhere I like, so it makes sense just to stay with her, and if I don't end up with a job, it still makes sense to stay with her. So, either way, it seems I'll be going too.

We're excited. Mostly because we're both itching to get the heck out of this apartment.

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