Friday, March 26, 2010

51 days and counting

Mood: exhausted
Happy thought: walking for a cause

Each year, Drake hosts Relay For Life , an all-night walk/fundraiser for cancer research. I've attended every year but I've never made it all the way through the night. I usually wimped out around 3am and dragged myself home.

But this year I finally did it. I walked almost the entire time and now I kind of want to die, but I'm really proud of myself anyway. Relay is a great thing to be a part of and a really wonderful cause.

Generally, it's a fun event. You know, it's as fun as cancer fundraisers can be. There is always a really heavy portion of the night when survivors or caretakers get up and tell their sad stories. There's never a dry eye in the room after that.

One gal talked about losing her brother to cancer and I just couldn't handle hearing that at all and ended up crying like an idiot for about an hour, but it's ok. I'm not ashamed.

Aside from that, there was some light-hearted entertainment like African acrobats, the Drake improv comedy team, a couple bands and the Treble Makers (Drake women's a capella group).

Was it smart of me to stay all night? Well, considering I'm not at all recovered from the hideous cold I picked up in Vegas, pulled an unnecessary all-nighter two nights ago, and have APO formal this weekend... no, probably not smart.

But you know what? We only live once. I can sleep when I'm dead. Which I realize might be sooner than I expect if I don't take good care of myself. But at the end of the day I think it was worth it, so I suppose that's what matters.

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