Sunday, April 4, 2010

42 days and counting

Mood: should have worn sunscreen
Happy thought: animals :)

Today I went to the St. Louis zoo with my friend Julia. We went with her little brother, Will, who's in high school. He's 16 and while we were there, we hooked up with a group of his friends.

They're all super nice and funny and adorable in a high school way, but I couldn't help but feel so old in that twenty minutes I was standing there. They were talking about Mr. History Teacher and Ms. English Teacher and Crazy Sports Coaches and I just felt like I aged fifty years.

And they way they were talking about all of it was like it was the center of their whole life and crucial to their very happiness which, of course, it is. When you're in high school, high school is all that matters. Which makes sense.

Not that it's all that different in college. College is all that matters when you're in college, too. It's just a different set of stuff that matters. That's not to mention that college offers you that amazing perspective on high school that really makes you think "Goodness, why was all of that stuff THAT important to me?"

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